Why Donate?

Here at Bobsleigh Canada Skeleton our mission is simple:

"to create, nurture and support World and Olympic champions" 

While this is our goal, we can not do it without the help and support of our donors! Big or small, you help Bobsleigh Canada Skeleton produce World Class, Olympic champions - it is an expensive sport that takes years to master, and seconds to succeed. 

We are now on the count down to Milan/Cortina 2026 and we want to see our athletes on the podium for the sixth consecutive Games. Can you support our bobsleigh athletes in their quest to slide back onto the Olympic podium or help boost our skeleton athletes onto the podium for the first time since Vancouver 2010?

Donate Online

If I donate where does my money go?

When you donate to Bobsleigh Canada Skeleton you are given the opportunity to select where you would like your money to go. We have an incredible Memorial Fund in honour of Malcom 'Gomer' Loyd or you can chose to support any of our sports programs; 

  •    Athlete development 
  •    Coaching development
  •    Bobsleigh team
  •    Women’s Skeleton team
  •    Men's Skeleton
  •    Officials’ development
  •    Leadership development 

Unfortunately you are not able to provide donations to specific athletes. 

There are more ways than you think to support BCS

We welcome sponsorship or partnership opportunities. As well as a number of volunteer positions year round. For more information regarding sponsorship or partnership opportunities please contact nqzva@obopnafxry.pn. We understand when it comes to sponsorships there is no one size fits all, and we would love to hear from you and see how we can work together to grow our Canadian National Team. 

Our volunteer opportunities change annually based on the events schedule for the season therefore if you are interested in volunteering with us, please contact us at vasb@obopnafxry.pn.

Bobsleigh Canada Skeleton would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in supporting our Bobsleigh and Skeleton athletes, we are immensely grateful for support we receive throughout every season and could not keep putting athletes on the podium if it wasn't for you! 

Bobsleigh CANADA Skeleton